IWSG: Insecure Writer’s Support Group

Welcome to IWSG‘s monthly gathering of authors who confess the truth about writing a best seller, and/or offer guidance from their wealth of trials and tribulations. Click on the link to discover more author blogs and their passions.

March 6 question – Whose perspective do you like to write from best, the hero (protagonist) or the villain (antagonist)? And why?

The awesome co-hosts for the March 6 posting of the IWSG are Fundy Blue, Beverly Stowe McClure, Erika Beebe, and Lisa Buie-Collard!

One of my first writing courses required I write a story from the evil antagonist’s point of view. Just a short story, a couple of pages. I drove home barely focused on the traffic. All I could think about was how terrifying it would be spying, metaphorically, on the monster’s cerebrum. Then, I had an epiphany. Most novels engage a battle of good versus evil. I was going to have to find a way to get not just comfortable with the villain. We were going to get cozy.

The following week I submitted my homework for the class to review. It was read aloud. They were horrified. Yes! I still prefer to write from the protagonist’s point of view. Seems to be less of a struggle to express.

The bad ass? That’s a challenge. My dark side has been restrained for a hundred years or so. How much do I dare loosen those shackles and party there?

And, if I can find that two-pager, I’ll share it with you in a week or two.

Killer For Hire ……

8 thoughts on “IWSG: Insecure Writer’s Support Group

  1. mlouisebarbourfundyblue

    I find myself wishing I had been in that class! Sounds like you did get cozy with your villain. I worry that jumping into the dark side might reveal more about me than the villain ~ LOL Happy writing in March!

    Liked by 1 person

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