#IWSG: Being a Writer – Chaos Becomes a LIght Saber

unnamed (6)#IWSG:  Each month our co-hosts and IWSG members entertain and inject wisdom that encourages writers to keep their gaze on the finish line.

The awesome co-hosts are


November 2 Question: What is your favorite aspect of being a writer? In a nutshell, as a writer, I’m motivated by the thought that I can make a difference in someone’s life journey. It may be as simple as putting a smile on their face, or help them put aside life challenges for a time. On a grand scale, I may be able to challenge what they believe to be the hard, unwavering truth is nothing more than one aspect of unlimited possibilities. I can be a catalyst of change.

Woman in despair ... Her hell, her dreams, her madness (added little grain and texture)
Woman in despair … Her hell, her dreams, her madness (added little grain and texture)

Creativity is the essence of being human. A great novel can trigger a reader’s creative juices. A spark of “what if” is magical and powerful. While writing, I work on stepping out of my author shoes and merge into a reader’s. It’s tough. The reader’s reaction to any scene and character will differ depending upon their culture, education, wellness, and gender. I want to reach the very basic elements of every human being. Their hopes and fears. The need to be loved and recognized for their unique identity. I want every reader to feel that they can be as much a hero / heroine as the one in the novel. To see the limitless possibilities of good and evil, of courage and cowardice, wisdom and psychosis existing simultaneously within every human being.

The characters in Forbidden lack the qualities of super human strength. There’s not one magical sword. No highly evolved humanoids with mental powers. In fact, the main characters struggle with defects or crippled by old wounds. They have significant opposing values and cultural differences. The thrill in writing Forbidden was to define them as being flawed in many ways, and yet show how together Captain Sharif and Eliza MacKay succeeded in subverting their enemies. And find love where it had been forbidden.

6 thoughts on “#IWSG: Being a Writer – Chaos Becomes a LIght Saber

  1. I keep running across the word ‘journey’ as I read through this month’s posts. Making a difference to someone on their journey. A very noble way to reach out and touch someone in a crisis. Loved your answer.
    Shalom aleichem,

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